Views From Behind

Spent Saturday at a band camp for sixth graders, 350 of them from across the region, all crammed into a middle school. The kids got dropped off in the morning, practiced all day, then did a show at the end.

Well, the kids from other schools got dropped off. There were about ten parents from our school who stayed the whole day because … well … we don’t know why. But our paperwork from the band director said we had to stay to supervise, so we did.

After eight hours of deafening honking and hammering from the three different bands, each with over 100 players, we all dutifully filed into a very nice auditorium for … 90 more minutes of honking and hammering.

This photo brought to you by Excederin … which, for the record, we were out of when I got home.

Canon PowerShot G10, 6.1 mm, ISO 200, 1/5, f/2.8