Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-28

  • @dsilverman Can you send us a link to that story? Maybe it will help us … B-) #
  • Excellent news. RT: @fmicklow: Lease signed. Job acquired. So I guess I can call new jersey home for a while. #reallife #
  • Watching @jonathabrooke videos on YouTube. I sold her a guitar cable at a Radio Shack in 1992. Sorta wonder if she still has it…unlikely. #
  • I used to like your Twitter feed. Eek. RT: @rdfrench: Painful. It is the "Rebecca Black Friday" of Sorority Rush Vidoes #
  • Ha! RT:@georgiawebgurl: need to add text filler for a website prototype? Loren Ipsum is so outdated. Try Hipster Ipsum #
  • Based on recent chats and emails from CPS, I'm starting to think they don't really like photographers. Which, you know, is kind of weird #
  • CPS just sent me a customer satisfaction survey and wants to know if they can use my responses in marketing material. YES, but you won't. #
  • I missed a memo somewhere … when, exactly, did customer service become optional? (No, I don't think I'm done ranting yet. Deal with it.) #
  • My optician just told me to keep my sunglasses away from warm places. Was tempted to point out it is kind of warm in Georgia on sunny days. #
  • @cody_schmelter Go for the 50, will be loose but it will work. #
  • I keep thinking this state vendor has run out of ways to screw us over. But I'll give them credit – they're still trying. And succeeding. #
  • After 20 years of covering high school football it turns out I really don't like watching it. Who knew? #bandparentnow #