Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14

  • Ahhhh … the sweet sounds of screaming. Back on campus again. #
  • Sad and short sighted. RT @vhernandezcnn: A victim of budget cuts and mobile technologies – ie. Blackberrys #
  • @thepeche I think, maybe, we need to invite you back for breakfast? #
  • I think I wore out a hard drive playing @ellispaulsongs last live album at home this summer. But now I'm back at work, so..a few more plays. #
  • News You Can Use: Well, at least at that cheese dip Mr. Kennedy always told us to be prepared for … #
  • Girl Child says she wants an Oscar Mayer Weinermobile when she gets her license. She's a vegetarian. #brainsdontfullyformuntil25 #
  • Well, this is interesting … in my paranoid zeal, I archived everything for my intro class. That starts next week … #
  • I think, I think the kids will be happy next week. #ugavj #
  • Great detail, not much plot, though. @dkiesow: Standing next to someone on the train reading the @apstylebook. For fun? #
  • Sigh … @VizJournalism: Now online: The Apocalypse is Nigh #
  • @fmicklow Um, I believe we scored all those super teles when you were here, kid. Stop complaining. #
  • @joshdweiss We're rebuilding parts of the kits, not everything this year as I'd hoped. #
  • @VizJournalism: Now online: No Comment” #