Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08

  • All students are asking for more online journalism courses, yet I offer one for the fall and only get one kid. Maybe I needed print fliers? #
  • RT @Ihnatko: "Son," my Dad said, "don't live your life in such a way that the whole world unites to rejoice news of your death." A wise man. #
  • Wrote a great joke, only to be told someone else told it 11 hours ago. #keepingmydayjob #
  • Off to class, one last time … well, until Maymester starts in two weeks.

    Damn, this isn't that dramatic, is it? #

  • @joshdweiss @SaraDCaldwell This is NOT a competition. #
  • Athens, you can rest easy: I have installed a severe weather app on my phone & set up a weather radio in the house. Welcome to San Diego. #
  • @SaraDCaldwell Lab is open 9-4 on Thursday, 9-5 today (Wednesday) and 9-5 on Friday. #
  • Excellent observation: Explains most of middle schoolers' behavior. Also, politicians … #
  • Student walked into lab with a folding chair, said she doesn't own a step ladder & needs to get up higher for a pic. #sometimestheylisten #
  • @jakeforddaniels If you're going to be your own multimedia event, you have to be everywhere … #
  • NYT, CNN, AJC, local paper, but mostly RSS feeds, check 10-15 times a day. RT @brandilarsen: #Journalism friends:Where do you get your news? #
  • Now online: New NPPA Business Blitz Workshops Announced (via @VizJournalism) #
  • Now online: A Victory (via @VizJournalism) #
  • RT: @jakeforddaniels: Is reminded today of sage advice: kill your babies. Journalistically speaking. #