Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06

  • So, after nine years, I should probably upgrade from Quicken 2002, eh? Hrmpf … #
  • Step-daughter: Who is Al Gore? (we explain) Okay, the who is Al Qaida? #
  • One journalism org.'s web site being down is breaking news for the other journalism org. in town? Really? #democracyissoscrewed #
  • Damn it … AP has moved a photo of mine from 1994 they said they "lost" in 1995. Grumblegrumblegrumble … #

One Comment

  1. Hey Mr. Johnson,
    I happened to check your blog after you posted the cruise ship bar photo… lovely. I’m happy to see that you are, as always, inspired.
    Former student,
    Priscilla G. Robinson

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