Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28

  • This is February? #
  • Mapping out how to spend every penny my college has on technology upgrades … and fully aware it may be a pointless exercise. #
  • @graybs13 The tech will work in my lab … as long as no one messes with it … in reply to graybs13 #
  • *sigh* … I used to live in the "PARALYZING BLIZZARD" area … #
  • My drug of choice used to be adrenaline. Then I turned to caffeine. And now it is Advil … what that says is a little sad. #
  • RT @dsilverman: I understand that there are now cheeseburger-flavored Doritos. Be still my heart . . . so to speak. #
  • So many things could be said about this … #
  • Another way I'd like to spend some time … The world is too cool for the limits of time we are dealt. #
  • Have been advised I should say I love all my students and want no harm to come to them. Well, except for one. You know who you are. #