Sitting in the back of the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar on Saturday, looking around at how intent everyone was. Students looking for glimpses of knowledge, professionals looking for glimmers of hope.
For me, these events are difficult … I want to attend to attend, to let the warmth and knowledge flow into me, rejuvenate my soul. But I need to be there to build contacts for my students, to find new people who can help them grow, be it through guest lectures or internship opportunities. And I need to renew old contacts, refresh friendships, for the benefit of the students and myself.
So the dilemmas … sit in for all the presentations or just a few … schmooze a lot of people or just a few … catch up with a lot of people or just a few. My day ended up being a lot of fews.
And, as we head into the holiday season, a season that will have us at home for the first time as a family and not on the road, I’m reminded of that same balance challenge of years past – if I’m back in New England, where there are old friends and family to see, do I choose a few to see well, or many to see lightly?
I leaned towards many lightly and always came away unsatisfied. At Saturday’s seminar, I saw few friends, but saw them well. And came away satisfied. I leaned into those conversations and let everything else disappear.

Canon PowerShot G10, 30.5 mm, ISO 800, 1/8, f/4.5
Was there on Friday saw Billy wondered if you were coming