Snow, I Like Snow

On our northern drive earlier in the week I had feared the worst. I had watched the weather reports – bitter cold, lots of precipitation. We had purchased a new (to us) vehicle for the ride and got the dealer to put on new tires. I was set to go – new knobby tires, all wheel drive, heated leather seats.

My big fear, though, was missing the storm – I really needed to drive in some snow. It had been way too long. 

We saw flakes in Maryland, a dusting in Pennsylvania. Rain in New Jersey. And then … Connecticut, a state I had been almost perfectly ambivalent about, came through …

It wasn’t much for depth, though it slowed everyone to a crawl and added 90 minutes to our commute. If it’s all I get this year, I’ll be happy with it.

But if more happens along … I’m okay with that, too.