My academic lifestyle was supposed to let me rest for a bit each summer. Not stop work completely, but at least lighten it up.
It was a myth. Or an outright lie. It hasn’t slowed down much, because as soon as work lightened up with the end of the Maymester (and the publication of the stunning work my students did), everything hit the proverbial fan: kids went on the road, wife went on the road, I went on the road. And in the middle of all that, my mother went through a double organ transplant (liver and kidneys).
I’ve been pacing around here in Georgia until we can get up there to see her. So I did the only thing I could think of to occupy my hands and mind: I moved my office to a new room. So now we have two disasters in the house – the half-emptied old office and the unorganized new one.
At least the wiring is neat. For now …

Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF 35 mm f/1.4 L USM, ISO 800, 1/50, f/1.8
I love this shot. Nice Mark, real nice.