Heading North, the Start

Lakes Entrance, Australia

My original plan was to take the train back to Sydney, but I realized I needed to see more of this place and a window view wasn’t going to be enough. This morning, I packed the last things away and picked up a rental car, then headed out.

The day was overcast and the route I selected was … less than I’d hoped. East out of Melbourne, my first target was Lakes Entrance which one person had told me was lovely and another said was desolate. The latter, alas, proved true – most of it was quiet and closed as it was very off season.

I pressed on along the coast, deciding to stay in Eden. Arriving after dark, there wasn’t much to explore and, again, most of it was closed being winter. I found a little place for dinner that promised charm and delivered a palatable fish and chips. A late night walk was relaxing but visually minimally productive.

Tomorrow’s journey is along the coast, ducking into national and state forests. Hopeful.

Eden, Australia

Eden, Australia