It’s a good time to be in Athens – the weather’s been warm and most students have wandered off for the week, leaving us locals to have the place to ourselves. (Yes, the irony of me, a damned yankee, being a “local” is not lost.)
The Mrs. and I headed downtown for dinner (disappointing, from a place I’ve always enjoyed) and then wandered about for a bit. R.E.M.’s “Gardening at Night” kept popping into my head, though these have nothing to do with that.

Canon G10, 25 mm, ISO 200, 1/3, f/4.5

Canon G10, 31 mm, ISO 200, 1/4, f/4.5
Slow night, I suppose …

Canon G10, 31 mm, ISO 200, 1/15, f/4.5
The graphic quality of the image of branches on the blue sky is rally nice. I guess I did pick up a thing or two in those graphic design classes at SU. I do, however, love that the open space is just open – not filled with a designer’s text! 😉